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The spending of Galician companies in technology increased by 11,7 percent

“Total spending on Technology of the information and communication (TIC) of the Galician companies exceeded the 457 millions of euros, which represents an increase in 11,7 percent compared to the previous year.

Microenterprises allocated their largest investment to spending on goods, services and consultations, while companies with ten or more workers did it in software.

They are data collected in the report The Information Society in Galician Companies corresponding to the year 2020, published by the Observatory of the Information Society and Modernization of Galicia (Asim), attached to the Amtega.

The study analyzes the integration of ICT in all Galician companies, 197.813, in which the 96,2 % they are micro-businesses, zero to nine employees”.

Source and more information: The Galician Post

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